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Call her a style guru, branding expert or fashionista… Valerie Joseph has done it all. With more than 3-decades in the fashion, retail and merchandising industry the founder of Valerie Joseph Boutique LLC is expanding her brand. Recently launching CocoJava Hawaii. The style expert has carefully crafted an all-natural beauty line of Hawaiian coffee scrubs.

An Expert Life Stylist for women of all ages and lifestyles, Valerie encourages others to be beautiful in their own skin. The beauty and fashion expert has also lent her skills and knowledge as a film producer, costume designer, motivational speaker, television personality and interior decorator. #VJDiaries



年齢やライフスタイルにかかわらず、地肌から美しさを引き出すことをヴァレリーは奨励。ビューティーとファッションのエキスパートであるヴァレリーのスキルと知識は、フィルム制作、コスチュームデザイン、モチベーショナルスピーカー、テレビパーソナリティーとしても活躍中。 #VJDiaries

Uploaded by POSHd by Valerie Joseph on 2018-02-04.



Fashion Sense is a workshop and weekly fashion segment airing on KITV morning news. I created the series to celebrate women of all different sizes and body types while always following the golden rule: true beauty and confidence comes from within. Through Fashion Sense I work with women to understand their body type and which looks bring out their best.

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POSHd is a lifestyle boutique filled with unique and modern pieces designed for women of all ages. Upon entrance, clients step into the dressing room of every girl's dream and are welcomed with an energy that is positively contagious. #GetPOSHd #TooGlamToGiveADamn




We select the finest signature blend of Hawaiian Coffee beans, grown and harvested in Hawaii then ground and roasted on Oahu, the gathering place of the Hawaiian Islands. The all-natural product is not just an exfoliator, but also has a special textured scrub of coconut oil, brown sugar, organic agave, cocoa powder, cinnamon and oatmeal. What it does is exfoliates your skin, increases circulation, hydrates and softens, reduces fine lines, evens skin tone (including repairing sun spots), reduce inflammation and the appearance of cellulite, restores elasticity and brightens the appearance of your skin. #CocoJavaHawaii

大自然の恵みの太陽をうけてハワイ島で育て上げられたハワイ最高品質のコーヒー豆はオアフ島でロースト、挽かれた豆を使用しています。 全てナチュラルに拘って作成したcocojavaは、ココナッツオイル、ブラウンシュガー、有機リュウゼツラン、ココアパウダー、シナモン、そしてオートミールと混ぜることで、古い角質や毛穴の汚れを取り除くためのスクラブとして誕生。古い角質を生まれ変われさせるだけなく、血行を促進させ、潤いと柔らかい肌触り、シワを減らし、しみやそばかすの軽減。赤み、セルライトへ減らし、弾力性がある艶やかな肌として再生されます。